photo of vehicle's dash with fingers turning the air conditioning knob

Is Your Car’s AC Due for Service? Key Signs & Maintenance Tips

Spring has sprung in the PNW! Although we don’t use our vehicle’s air conditioning as much as other regions, it is still important to maintain and service the air conditioning system. If you are experiencing any issues with your air conditioning system, get it checked as soon as possible to avoid further damage or potentially costly repairs. You can reach your Kings Cross Automotive service advisor by phone at 360-695-3353 or email

Summer road trip giveaway

What to Pack for a Road Trip: Must-Have Items for a Safe and Smooth Journey

If you are anything like the Kings Cross crew, you’ll likely attempt to take every opportunity to enjoy this summer to its fullest. With the exciting return of summer comes outings, adventures, camping, and a whole lot of road trips. We, personally, love doing all of those things! With all of that in mind, we hope to help you prepare for all of your adventures. In this article, we’re going to let you in on all of our must-pack road trip items.